Completed Work Package 1

The Forest Digital Twin Precursor has begun nicely, and the first work package is now finished. So far, the consortium has investigated user requirements for the future digital twin and set a preliminary definition, development targets and implementation scheme for the Forest DTE.

Definition of Forest DTE

  1. Forest DTE would function as a biosphere model with elements of carbon stock change.
  2. The biggest scientific advancement of Forest DTE would be the development of a spatially explicit system for monitoring and predicting the functioning of complex structured vegetation at an unprecedented spatial resolution.

Key developments to be seen

  1. Implementation of AI-based tools for mapping of forest structure and growth.
  2. Creating tools for predicting geographic extent of suitable growing conditions for different forest overstorey species.
  3. Advancing methods for assessment and simulation of forest damage risks.

Implementation scheme

The planned precursor implementation can be seen in the scheme figure.

  1. Forest structure retrieval
  2. Forest growth model
  3. Forest disturbance risk prediction
  4. Forest management and scenario model
  5. Wood product life cycle model
  6. Direct climate forcing of forest

A. User interface (UI), consisting of area and scenario selection, and visualization units (e.g., web GIS). UI would be designed according to the user requirements.

B. Scenario generator (a specific scenario can be chosen via the DT on Climate Change Adaptation).

C. EO and field data selection and processing tools (utilization of F-TEP platform running on the DIAS architecture).

Proposed precursor implementation.
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